Tachyon silver pendant of transparent hexagonal prism Aquamarine


2.8 – 3.5cm, 6-10g. Random Package


Aquamarine belongs to the hexagonal crystal system which is the most suitable sacred geometric structure for connecting higher dimensional Divine Light. Almost each aquamarine pendant has a natural six-sided column shape to help the wearer more effectively connect the high dimensional Divine Light.

Tachyon Aquamarine
  • Tachyon Aquamarine becomes a portal into the motherships of the positive extra-terrestrials and Ashtar Command.
  • Tachyon Aquamarine is a sky stone that connects our consciousness with the fifth dimension and beyond – Heaven.
  • Tachyon Aquamarine helps us tap into the energies of the Atlantis.
  • Tachyon Aquamarine resonates with and opens the Throat Chakra for inspiration, expression and creativity.
Tachyon Silver
  • Tachyon pure silver has a closer and stronger connection with Divine Source that can bring intense Goddess and abundance energy.
  • Tachyon silver links to the Moon goddess – Artemis with pure Goddess energy.
  • Silver creates a very high spiritual vibration and is a symbol of abundance on both the physical and spiritual levels in the Universe.
  • Silver is often used by the medical profession for controlling and killing bacteria, and has obvious effects on anti-inflammatory and wound healing quickly.
  • According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, silver can balance Five Zang Organs, relax the mind, calm the mood and correct disharmony status.

This product is made of natural ores, with no polishing or cutting processing. They have different colours and textures naturally. There are tiny cracks, naturally occurring impurities, or various shapes to the most of the small crystals.


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